pekwm-0.3.0 has been released and includes quite a bit of changes compared to the previous pekwm-0.2.1 not to speak of whats still in some distributions that being pekwm-0.1.18.
These releases got me thinking about the impact the release frequency has on software.
First, lets start of with the not so impressive pekwm release history:
0.3.0, 2022-01, 13 month since 0.2.1. 0.2.1, 2021-12, 1 month since 0.2.0. 0.2.0, 2021-10, 11 months since 0.
A friend of mine asked me if it was possible to use pywal together with pekwm a while back.
pywal is a tool that generates a color scheme from the dominant colors in an image. Amongst other things, the color scheme is set in Xresources.
Me, being unaware of what pywal was at that time, looked into it and figured a good way of supporting it would be to allow for pekwm to read color information from Xresources.
A while back I was fortunate enough to be given a Sun Blade 1500 from a long time pekwm user.
It is, by todays standards, old and slow making it perfect for experiencing how pekwm actually performs. Also, running Solaris 10, being big endian and using Xsun instead of a current Xorg server makes it perfect to find odd issues.
I had a few issues with getting machine up and running, the PSU and harddrive experienced some post storage issues.
After rebooting the pekwm development, the activity from users on Github page has increased and in one of the recent issues a comment was added noting that it was hard to know iconified windows exist.
The seasoned users know of the Icon menu, however, as a new pekwm user it is less than obvious how one should know the iconfied windows exist. As it was noted this was not a problem in other environments where a panel is available listing all clients I decided to create a pekwm_panel.
pekwm-0.2.0 will bring a couple of noticeable improvements to the theme system including:
Backgrounds ColorMaps Variants This post will describe what these features do and how to use them.
Backgrounds It is now possible to set the background with the theme using the new Background section in the theme file. All pekwm textures are supported including the new LinesVert and LinesHorz textures. For a full list of textures, see the themes documentation.
As part of getting pekwm back on track the infrastructure for a theme index has started to take shape with the following components:
pekwm-theme-index, a repository on GitHub with a collection of theme files containing meta-data about themes. pekwm-theme-page, the page and screenshot generator for based on the data from pekwm-theme-index. pekwm_theme, shell script included with pekwm for managing user themes. This post focus on the last component in the list above, the user command for managing themes.
The pekwm development has been non-existent the last couple of years and before that it has been very slow for many years. Many reasons behind this including but not limited to not using a Linux machine at work, life has been busy and a lack of interest.
My interest has come back, I’ve gotten myself an “old” Lenovo T440S running OpenBSD at home and started working on pekwm again.
To be able to spend more time on actual development and not maintain infrastructure and what-not there has been some changes: